The Datafile PD-CD 1 Issue 2
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537 lines
NUMBERS MODULE version 0.08
(C) Copyright Nick Craig-Wood 1992
The module "Numbers" and this documentation "NumModTxt" are public domain.
You may distribute them freely provided that
1) both files are always kept together
2) the files are not altered in any way
3) no profit is made
If you wish to break any of these conditions get in touch with me at the
address below first.
The software and documentation was first published in BBC Acorn User
Magazine, September 1992, and for more information see that issue.
These routines started life in 1989 written in C on the university mainframe
in response to a "Numbers Count" puzzle in PCW. The problem (or part of
it) was to calculate the biggest prime you could find of the form N!+1.
However the routines did not get finished in time for the puzzle deadline.
In the quest for speed I converted the routines to 68000 code for my Atari
ST, and then a year later into ARM code. With an ARM3 the routines run at
the same speed as they did on the mainframe!
Numbers are held in application memory area in a heap, and maintained by
OS_Heap. Before the module can be used, it must be told about this
heap with Num_InitHeap. Numbers come in two pieces, the head and the tail.
All numbers have a head, but need not have a tail. The head of the number
is a short block in the heap, which points to the tail and keeps the length
and sign of the number, and various other things. Numbers are passed by
reference only, as pointers to the head of the number. These are refered to
as NUMs. For example NUM r0 indicates that r0 is a pointer to the head of a
Since NUMs are passed by reference only, if you pass them into procedures
and then alter the values of the input parameters, you are actually
altering the NUM. So to avoid problems, if you write a procedure which
takes NUMs as parameters for both input and output, it is best to define
some temporary NUMs using Num_Init for the output, and then at the end
Num_Swap the results into the correct place, and Num_Remove the temporary
variables. All the internal routines of the module work like this, so there
is never any problem with passing the same NUM as input and output.
Some of the routines take either NUMs or scalars as arguments. Scalars are
normal signed or unsigned 32 bit numbers. All routines expect NUMs to be
tidy (except Num_Tidy). (A num is tidy if its most significant digit is
non-zero, and if it is zero, then it is positive, and of length 1. Num_Tidy
accomplishes this. It is unlikely that a user will need this function.)
Any error from the numbers module will be prefixed with "Numbers: ". If you
pass an invalid NUM to any of the routines, the chances are that OS_Heap
will reply with an error, but not one that makes sense always. The most
confusing is "Numbers: Heap Full" so beware! See the end for a short example
If you find any bugs, have any comments or queries or wish to use the module
in commercial software please write to
Nick Craig-Wood
4 Victoria Street
MK12 5HL.
On Entry: r0-r3 are parameters
On Exit: r0-r3 are returned as results or corrupted
r4-r14 are preserved
Interrupts: Interrupts are enabled
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor mode: Processor is in SVC mode
Re-entrancy: SWIs are not re-entrant
All SWIs that are capable of looping respond to ESCAPE
See ERRORS section for details of errors returned
NUMBERS HEAP: area in application workspace where all the number are kept
HEAD: 16 byte parameter block in the numbers heap pointing to
TAIL: variable length block containing the value of the number
NUM: meaning a 32 bit integer pointing to a HEAD
INT: meaning a 32 bit integer
SCALAR: meaning a 32 bit integer
FLAG: is either 0 for false, or 1 for true
STRING: a pointer to a 0 terminated ASCII string
a,b,c,d represent pointers to NUMs
i,j,k represent SCALARS
p,q represent a pointer to memory
f represents a FLAG
h represents a HeapPointer as returned by Num_HeapInit in r0
SWI Parameters Results Comments
=== ========== ======= ========
Num_Author - - Prints out some info
Num_InitHeap p,i h,a,b,c h<-HeapPointer, a<-0, b<-1, c<-2
Num_MakeSmallPrimes i j Makes primes up to i, # found to j
(All the SWIs below need a valid NUM or HeapPointer in r0)
Num_Allocate a,i - Allocates i words to TAIL of a
Num_Deallocate a - Removes the TAIL of a
Num_Set a,i - Sets a to signed i
Num_USet a,i - Sets a to unsigned i
Num_Init h a Makes a HEAD and TAIL and pointer a
Num_Remove a - Removes the HEAD and TAIL of a
Num_Equals a,i f Returns truth of a = i
Num_Swap a,b - Swaps a and b. This is quick.
Num_Move a,b - Sets b to a. Not so quick.
Num_Clear a - Sets TAIL of a to all zeroes
Num_Tidy a - Reduces a to shortest length
Num_UCmp a,b i Unsigned compare of a-b to i
Num_Cmp a,b i Returns the sign of a-b to i
Num_ScalarCmp a,i j Returns the sign of a-i to j
Num_ScalarAdd a,i,c - c <- a + i
Num_ScalarSub a,i,c - c <- a - i
Num_ScalarMul a,i,c - c <- a * i
Num_ScalarDiv a,i,c j c <- a / i, j <- a MOD i
Num_ScalarMod a,i j j <- a MOD i
Num_SmallFactorN a,i k k=smallest factor of a or 0, try i
Num_SmallFactor a k k=smallest factor of a or 0, try all
Num_Add a,b,c - c <- a + b
Num_Sub a,b,c - c <- a - b
Num_Mul a,b,c - c <- a * b
Num_Div a,b,c,d - c <- a / b, d <- a MOD b
Num_Mod a,b,c - c <- a MOD b
Num_Dump a - Prints a in hex, and other info
Num_ToString a p,q Makes STRING of a to p, end=q
After use do SYS "Num_Deallocate",b
Num_Print a - Prints a in decimal
Num_FromString a,p f Converts STRING at p to a, f=ok
Num_Input a f Gets a decimal input to a, f=ok
Num_Info h - Prints memory usage info
Num_RndScalar h i Makes a random number 0-&FFFFFFFF
Num_SetSeed h,i - Sets seed of rnd generator
Num_Rnd a,b - Makes random number to a, 0 <= a < b
Num_Gcd a,b,c - c <- greatest common divisor a,b
Num_Sqr a,b - b <- square root of a
Num_Pow a,b,c - c <- a ^ b (a to the power b)
Num_PowMod a,d,c,b - d <- (a^b) MOD c
Num_Factorial a,b - b <- a! = a*(a-1)*(a-1)*..*3*2*1
Num_Inv a,b,c,d - Finds c,d: a*c MOD b=d & d=GCD(a,b)
Num_FermatTest a,i j Computes truth of i^(a-1) MOD a = 1
Num_ProbablyPrime a j j <- 0 if not prime, 1 probablyprime
This expects r0 as a pointer to a block of memory to be used as a heap, and
r1 as the length of this memory in bytes. This returns a pointer to the
heap in r0 and some nums which are useful consants r1 <- zero, r2 <- one, r3
<- two. The HeapPointer returned in r0 is required by some of the other
This updates NUM r0 to point to a new area of memory of length r1
(in 32-bit words)
This releases the memory used by a NUM (tail), and sets its pointers to NULL
This sets the NUM supplied in r0 to the signed scalar supplied in r1
This sets the NUM supplied in r0 to the unsigned scalar supplied in r1
Expects r0=HeapPointer
This returns the address of a new NUM in r0 For creating new or LOCAL
This removes the allocation for NUM r0 and removes NUM r0 (For removing
LOCAL variables)
This function returns TRUE in r0 if NUM r0 is equal to the single element
supplied in r1
This swaps the two NUMs in r0 and r1. It is a fast way of getting
infromation out of temporary variables, before destroying them
This moves NUM r0 to NUM r1. It does this by actually copying the NUM.
This clears the tail of NUM r0 to all zeros
This makes the NUM r0 use as few digits as possible by removing all the
leading zeroes
This returns an unsigned comparison between NUM r0 amd NUM r1 in r0 This is
the SGN(NUM r0 - NUM r1)
This function returns a signed comparison between NUM r0 and NUM r1 It
returns SGN(NUM r0 - NUM r1)
This function returns a signed comparison between NUM r0 and SCALAR r1 It
returns SGN(NUM r0 - NUM r1)
This adds NUM r0 to (signed int) r1 into NUM r2
This subtracts NUM r0 - (signed int) r1 into NUM r2
This multiplies NUM r0 by (unsigned int) r1 into NUM r2
This divides NUM r0 by (unsigned int) r1 returning the (unsigned int)
remainder in r0 int NUM r2
NUM r0 * NUM r1 -> NUM r2
This divides r0 by r1 to give a quotient r2 remainder r3
For "divide and correct algorithm" see Knuth "Seminumerical Algorthms"
section 4.3.1
This divides r0 by r1 to remainder r2
This makes all the primes up to r0, and stores them in the RMA pointed
to by SmallPrimes. NSmallPrimes is set to the number of primes found.
It deallocates any old SmallPrimes array so this may be called more than
once. It returns the number of smallprimes found in r0, and a pointer
to the array in r1. If there are already more than enough SmallPrimes in
the RMA then this will not recalculate.
This dumps the number supplied in r0 in Hexadecimal, for debugging
This converts the number pointed to by r0 into a decimal string pointed to
by r0. When finished with, this memory should be released with
SYS "Num_Heap",3,,r0 It returns the position of the null at the end of the
num in r1
This prints out the number supplied in r0. It prints no spaces or newlines.
Expects r0=HeapPointer
This provides information on the numbers module
This converts a number in ASCII base 10 pointed to by r1 into the NUM
pointed to by r0, until a character which is not 0-9 is reached. If this is
a control char then true is returned otherwise false is returned deals with
leading "+","-"," "
Inputs a number in base 10 to NUM r0 Returns r0 flagging ok conversion
Expects r0=HeapPointer
Produces a random number into r0 from Seed, and updates it, in the range
0-&FFFFFFFF. It works using the algorithm x(n+1)=(1664525 * x(n) +
907633393) MOD 2^32 It is known that the least significant bits are not as
random as the most significant bits, so two consecutive random numbers are
generated, and combined with EOR after having been rotated by 16 bits with
respect to each other. This halves the period. Reference; Knuth,
Seminumerical Algorithms 3.3 p102 p84 This is Line 26, with the best
spectral co-efficients for a MOD 2^32 generator, listed in Knuth. This form
is especially easy to calculate with the ARMs mul instruction. The A term is
calculated as the nearest prime to (1/2-1/3*SQR(3))*2^32.
Expects r0=HeapPointer
This sets the internal 32-bit random number generator to the seed supplied in
This generates a random number 0 <= rnd < r0 to r1
This finds the gcd(r0,r1) -> r2 using Euclid's algoritm
This takes the square root of r0 to r1 It uses a second order
Newton-Raphson convergence. This doubles the number of significant figures
on each iteration. Square root of a negative number if returned as 0. It
returns the number of iterations in r0
This finds r0 to the power of r1 to r2
This finds r0 to the power of r1 MOD r2 to r3
This finds NUM r0 factorial to NUM r1 if r0<=1 then r1=0
This sees whether NUM r0 has any small factors. It requires
Num_MakeSmallPrimes to have been called. It tests r1 small primes. It
returns either the factor found, or 0 to show none found in r0
This sees whether NUM r0 has any small factors. It requires
Num_MakeSmallPrimes to have been called. It tests all the small primes
that have been made. It returns either the factor found, or 0 to show none
found in r0
This finds r2 such that r0*r2 MOD r1=r3 AND r3=GCD(r0,r1) so if GCD(r0,r1)=1
(for instance if r1 is prime) then this will compute the inverse MOD r1. This
is adapted from Knuth; Seminumerical Algorithms 4.5.2 pp325
This finds whether NUM r0 is a prime with respect to SCALAR r1, using the
fermat test. That is r0 is not a prime if r1^(r0-1) MOD r0 <> 1 IF
r1^(r0-1) MOD r0=1 THEN r0 may be a prime. r1 must be prime for the test to
work. IE this test returns false if r0 is not prime, or true if r0 might be
prime. This test is less reliable than Num_ProbablyPrime and takes about
the same time to execute.
This tests whether r0 is prime or not. The function returns (in r0) false
if the number is not prime, and true if the number is probably prime. The
algorithm will return true with r0 composite with a probability of less than
0.25. This algorithm is as in Knuth - Seminumerical algorithms 4.5.4P
In the spirit of an illustration is worth 1000 words, here is an example
BASIC program using the numbers module. It tries to find any primes of the
form 111...111 (these are called rep-units).
REM Check to see we have the numbers module
*RMEnsure Numbers 0.0 RMLoad Numbers
*RMEnsure Numbers 0.0 Error 1 Numbers module not found
REM put aside some BASIC memory for the Numbers Heap
DIM Numbers HeapSize
REM Initialise the Heap
SYS "Num_HeapInit",Numbers,HeapSize TO hp%,zero%,one%,two%
REM Make some small primes for finding small factors
SYS "Num_MakeSmallPrimes",5000 TO a%
PRINT ;a%;" small primes found"
REM This is the number of times we will run Num_ProbablyPrime to be sure
REM a repunit is prime
REM Make the NUM repunit% and start it off at 1
SYS "Num_Init",hp% TO repunit%
SYS "Num_Set",repunit%,1
FOR n%=2 TO 100000
REM repunit=10*repunit+1, ie add 1 digit to the repunit
SYS "Num_ScalarMul",repunit%,10,repunit%
SYS "Num_ScalarAdd",repunit%,1,repunit%
PRINT ".";
REM try to find a small factor of repunit%
SYS "Num_SmallFactor",repunit% TO composite
IF composite=0 THEN
WHILE composite>0
PRINT "|";
REM test the primality of repunit% timestotest times
SYS "Num_ProbablyPrime",repunit% TO pprime
IF pprime THEN
REM if the number is composite but passes a test, this is unusual
IF composite<>timestotest THEN PRINT "Unusual prime: ";FNprint(repunit%)
REM print out a prime if we have found one
IF composite=0 THEN PRINT "R(";n%;") = ";FNprint(repunit%);" is prime"
REM This prints NUM a% returning a null string
DEF FNprint(a%): SYS "Num_Print",a%: =""
The following errors are unique to the Numbers module. However the numbers
Module will return any OS errors (such as OS_Heap errors) unchanged, except
for the addition of a prefix of "Numbers: "
Numbers module has become corrupted
Returned on initialisation if the Numbers code has been changed (say by a
virus or by a disk error)
Numbers: Unknown Operation
Returned when an unimplemented numbers SWI is called
Numbers: Escape
Returned when the user pressed Escape in a Looping SWI.
Numbers: Invalid Heap or NUM
Returned when HeapPointer is invalid, or an Invalid pointer to a NUM is given
Numbers: Divide by 0 in Num_ScalarDiv
Numbers: Divide by 0 in Num_Div
Numbers: Addback Failed in Num_Div
This error should never occur. If it does, I would be interested to know!
Numbers: N > NSmallPrimes in Num_SmallFactorN
Returned when you ask for more SmallPrimes than have been calculated.
Books I have found useful whilst writing this module
"SemiNumerical Algorithms" (2nd Edition) D.E.Knuth, Addison-Wesley
"Elementary Number Theory" D.M.Burton, Allyn and Bacon
"Cryptography: an introduction to computer security" J.Seberry, Prentice Hall